Women are at twice the risk of concussion and up to six times the risk of ACL injury. Our anatomy, menstrual cycles, nutrition and even brains all play a part – yet we can take control.
While injuries can, unfortunately, be part of sport for some people, there's a lot of information and research on how to help lower this risk.
Have a look at the Injury section of the NetballHER website - there is so much useful information here, geared specifically towards netballers.
Warm-up and cool down:
The 'Jump High Land Strong' initiative is a really great set of exercises to build into your warm-ups.
Have you been injured?
Whether it's an injury that keeps you out of the game for a couple of weeks or even a couple of years, it can be hard to stay feeling connected to the sport.
If you've had an ACL injury, it can be tough to know you might be look at a year or more before playing again, but there's lots of support and help for you out there.
The ACL Club is a good place to start.
If you're an England Netball member, and were injured during the course of 'Recognised and Authorised activity' (this can include but is not limited to club training and matches, Netball Now, Walking Netball and Back to Netball sessions run in conjunction with England Netball, and EN organised festivals and tournaments - please see more here) - your England Netball member insurance comes with certain benefits for injured members. Please visit the website here to find out more.
Please email lucy.lawrence@englandnetball.co.uk if you would like more information or support.